The community interactors model is an adaptation of the model of community engagement, with many of the same principles. The community interactor model engages specific communities themselves closely in awareness raising, education and information-giving projects by a number of individuals from their own communities interacting with them. These community interactors enjoy privileged access to those communities and their capacity/capability is built to:
- Provide information, education and raise awareness
- Deliver outreach
- Collect community feedback
Those performing the role of community interactors are drawn from local communities and can demonstrate that they understand the dynamics of their community, enjoy their trust as a source of support and can access, talk to and engage with many members of their community.
The community interactors method not only raises awareness in the community, typically dispelling myths and misinformation, it helps signpost into existing services, people from communities who are typically under-represented and who historically and/or currently are difficult to access and engage.
The people the community interactors engage with are then in return also encouraged to relay the learning and information to their peers and social networks. Therefore multiplying the numbers of people accessed and reached.